Introduction to Electronic Data Capture Software REDCap and Statistical Software R

General information:

Date 23- 25 November 2022
8:45 – 16:45
Zoom Link Day 1 Zoom Link:

Meeting ID:        689 2601 9969
Passcode:           864307

Location Day 2+3 ISPM, Mittelstrasse 43, 3012 Bern, room 320
Course flyer Course_Flyer_R_Redcap_2022
Teacher Joho Eva, MSc
Wicht Corentin, PhD
Güntensperger Dominik, PhD
Salanti Georgia, Prof., PhD
Efthimiou Orestis, PD
Timetable Timetable_REDCap_R_Nov2022

Preparatory work:

General Information

Installation of R and Rstudio

Course slides: